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Date : 2007-05-16
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Category : Book

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GermaniumBased Technologies From Materials to Devices ~ GermaniumBased technologies From Materials to Devices is the first book to provide a broad indepth coverage of the field including recent advances in Getechnology and the fundamentals in material science device physics and semiconductor processing The contributing authors are international experts with a worldwide recognition and involved in the leading research in the field
GermaniumBased Technologies ScienceDirect ~ GermaniumBased technologies From Materials to Devices is the first book to provide a broad indepth coverage of the field including recent advances in Getechnology and the fundamentals in material science device physics and semiconductor processing The contributing authors are international experts with a worldwide recognition and involved in the leading research in the field
GermaniumBased Technologies 1st Edition ~ GermaniumBased technologies From Materials to Devices is the first book to provide a broad indepth coverage of the field including recent advances in Getechnology and the fundamentals in material science device physics and semiconductor processing The contributing authors are international experts with a worldwide recognition and involved in the leading research in the field
GermaniumBased Technologies From Materials to Devices by ~ GermaniumBased technologies From Materials to Devices is the first book to provide a broad indepth coverage of the field including recent advances in Getechnology and the fundamentals in material science device physics and semiconductor processing The contributing authors are international experts with a worldwide
Germaniumbased technologies from materials to devices ~ GermaniumBased technologies From Materials to Devices is the first book to provide a broad indepth coverage of the field including recent advances in Getechnology and the fundamentals in material science device physics and semiconductor processing
GermaniumBased technologies From Materials to Devices ~ In parallel with the perspective to use germanium wafers in advanced electronic devices a renewed interest in the properties of defects and impurities in germanium has recently appeared Since metal impurities may affect the carrier lifetime already at trace concentrations 3
Germaniumbased technologies from materials to devices ~ GermaniumBased technologies From Materials to Devices is the first book to provide a broad indepth coverage of the field including recent advances in Getechnology and the fundamentals in material science device physics and semiconductor processing
GermaniumBased Technologies Request PDF ~ At present a semiconductor material such as germanium is a promising material for creating various electronic devices and sensors such as diodes triodes dosimeter devices transducers Hall
Germanium Based Technologies From Materials to Devices ~ This video is unavailable Watch Queue Queue Watch Queue Queue
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